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Lorenz Motors Dronecar for Surgeons

Writer's picture: Peter RomanPeter Roman

Updated: May 3, 2022

The future of transport is quite clearly in the skies. Just look at The Jetsons show who use personal flying machines. Or, Superman who can personally levitate with his superpowers, or any other movie or show depicting the future or fantasy depicting flight technology.

A lot of personal flying machines have issues because they are not socially accepted by the mainstream consumer. Many modern flying car designs depict a plane or helicopter. Lorenz Motor's dronecar is different.

Lorenz Motors' design is what you would imagine a personal aerial vehicle, or dronecar to look like.

It exhibits tilit-rotors for smoother passenger transport. Although there is a power-draw from the necessary energy required to tilt the thruster cages: it's worth the added comfort.

The tilit-rotors work because dronecars exhibit an H-configuration; meaning, the arms of the dronecar are straight out and from a bird's-eye-third-person view, the frame is in the shape of an H. The benefits of this include simpler flight control calibration and centering the inertial measurement unit IMU directly square in the center of mass.

Power systems and energy storage technologies are limited to what's on the market since Lorenz is such a young company, but it could work with companies like Tesla to implement their batteries into dronecars.

Lorenz's go-to-market strategy is to target the organ transport and surgery market which will help critical emergency first responders to overcome the traffic hurdle.

Typically this problem is handled by helicopters with dedicated pilots on stand-by, but surgeons and organ transport nurse practitioners would have a personal dronecar ready at all times.

I like to tell the anecdote of the Green Porsche surgeon who is on call at 4AM for emergency trauma care responses. The surgeon ignores all traffic signs to make it to the intensive trauma care unit as fast as possible. Lorenz Motors dronecars would make this transport 1000 times safer, but also speedier.

The other problem is a legal one dealing with FAA and air force. The strategy for this is to create pockets of controlled 8-lane-z-axis systems that help manage flight altitudes, speeds, vertical lift-offs and descents.

The 8-lane-z-axis infrastructure is exactly what is sounds like: 8 lanes in the sky that guide the aerial travel of individual consumers. Rather than rely on an FAA-appointed air traffic control system, the 8-lane-z-axis is a standardized in-the-sky system that maintains altitude and direction. For example, if we all agree to be at 100 feet of elevation when going south and 200 feet when going south east: it's easy to establish a convention in the sky that acts as a, sort of, in-the-sky highway.

The last two major bits of problems Lorenz Motors is faced with is propeller thrust-to-weight ratios, and last-resort emergency response systems, like parachutes.

Each thruster cage has four motors meaning a dronecar has a staggering 16 motors and plenty of room for fail-safe operations. If power and redundancies completely fail: the dronecar is equipped with a parachute.

Although everything looks hypothetical, the theory is becoming less abstract and more like a practical reality for Lorenz Motors.

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